
Management Network May 2014

By Karen Bankston

2 minutes

Remote Members Embrace 'Smart Offices' -- Should You Instant Issue? -- Make the Most of Online Reviews -- Letters to the Editor

Remote Members Embrace ‘Smart Offices’

Instant Issue Debate

Make the Most of Online Reviews

"Great leaders fix problems, especially problems within themselves…Seek out others who are good at them and ask them what they do differently…I know this is hard to do because it requires you to admit to others that you’re not good at everything. Want to be a great leader? Then get over it."

Mike Figliuolo, founder of thoughtLEADERS, LLC, in a company blog post.

Letters to the Editor

Top Reasons Strategic Plans Fail” is spot on! I have facilitated many strategic planning sessions for credit unions across the country. As a general rule, I don’t do a SWOT analysis (unless it is specifically requested by the CU). No. 2 on this list (poor project management skills) is also a big obstacle to actually executing the strategy that was agreed to during the planning session. CUs MUST use an effective project management tool or software. There must be accountability and reporting of results. There has to be a firm commitment to write action plans and put those plans in action to get things done! Otherwise, credit unions are wasting their time with planning sessions.

Sean McDonald
Your Full Potential

Excellent list. I’d add one more: “The Sky Magazine Problem.” Here’s how it works: The boss comes home from the CUES conference, all hyped up, and while on the airplane picks up the latest Sky magazine, sees an article with the latest/greatest success story, takes a pen, scribes “IMPLEMENT” across the face of the article, and takes it along. On return to the office, he or she hands it to the chief of staff (or the equivalent) and walks into the first meeting of the day.

What happened to the strategic plan? What happened to the commitment to long-term goals? What happened to contribution from all levels?

While often this may result in a real success story, it often results in a lot of people power being washed into the rabbit hole because planning based on strategic goals went by the wayside in favor of chasing a tactical goal that may be totally unrelated.

Ken Schroeder, MBCP
VP/Business Continuity
Corporate One FCU
Columbus, Ohio

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