
All About You

By Mary Auestad Arnold

2 minutes

Two big thank-yous are in order this month. The first is to the group of active readers who helped select this issue's cover story by “liking” their favorite combination of image and topic on the CUES Facebook page.

While the choice is typically clear, this month we were stymied. Should we feature the eye-catching, but somewhat esoteric article on bitcoin? Should it be the more practical article about improved profitability? Or should we go with a woman juggling a bowling ball, cream pie and lighted torch to represent delivery system decisions?

Since you’re here on p. 8, you already know what the “crowd” chose. But you can still see the other options on Facebook at And you can still read all three articles in this issue.

It was so fun getting readers involved with our cover selection—we especially appreciated the individual comments—that I’m positive we’ll do it again. If you’d like to take part, be sure to follow CUES’ social channels (like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, CUES Skybox and/or CUES Net) to be notified of the vote.

My second big thank-you goes out to a much larger group: the 1,425 readers who responded to an online readership survey, conducted for us by Readex Research this spring. We appreciate the time you took to tell us about your reading habits (both print and digital) and your topic preferences (leadership is at the top). We’re also pleased that you, once again, chose CU Management as the most valuable source of information on leading your credit union!

The subject of leadership is well represented in this issue, starting on p. 18. In “Terrific Techniques, Applied,” Jonelle “Joni” Walker, CME, shares three things she learned during CEO Institute II at Cornell this spring and how they will help cement her senior team at $383 million Missoula Federal Credit Union, Missoula, Mont.

According to Walker, the six-member team is in transition after half retired in 2013. With three remaining long-tenured executives and three newcomers—including the CEO—“we’re in the throes of re-forming our team, figuring out how we work together and who needs to do what,” she writes. Check out the article to see how she’ll apply what she learned to this unique situation.

If you’re ready to ramp up your leadership learning, consider attending CEO Institute’s new summer session, Aug. 17-22 at Wharton. Or check out our new blended learning courses; taught by Cornell faculty, these leadership offerings are high level, but involve no travel. Read more on p. 58.

Mary Auestad Arnold
Editor and Publisher

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