
The Impact of Loyalty

By Stephanie Schwenn Sebring and Lisa Hochgraf

2 minutes

graphsEven with all the buzz about digital wallets, statistics show that cards are still mighty important—and widely used—by U.S. consumers. Statistics provided by some loyalty program companies suggest that having rewards can be effective in promoting card use and deepening members’ relationship with their CUs.

Brian Day, manager/mobile products for CUES Supplier member The Members Group, Des Moines, Iowa, provides the following card use data for consideration:

Vantiv, Cincinnati, and CUES Supplier member PSCU, St. Petersburg, Fla., provided data about the impact of rewards on their clients’ members’ card use.

Vantiv reports the following:

  • The average purchase ticket of a rewards member is 10 percent higher than a non-rewards member.
  • The total number of sales per account is 43 percent higher with rewards.
  • The total transactions per rewards credit card is 28 percent higher than for cards with no rewards attached.
  • The total sales volume per debit card with rewards is 19 percent higher than one without rewards.

PSCU reports the following: Rewards card holdings spend

Rewards  (per quarter)   Non-Rewards (per quarter)
Average spend: $2,321   Average spend: $1,321 
Average transactions: 33   Average transactions: 19
Rewards (per quarter)   Non-rewards (per quarter)
Average spend: $2,729   Average spend: $1,811
Average transactions: 72    Average transactions: 49

With 25 years of marketing and communications experience, Stephanie Schwenn Sebring established and managed the marketing departments for three credit unions. As owner of Fab Prose & Professional Writing, her focus is assisting credit unions and industry suppliers with their communications needs. Lisa Hochgraf is a CUES senior editor.

This is bonus from “Card Rewards” in the May issue of Credit Union Management magazine.

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