
Chief Leadership Resource

By Mary Auestad Arnold

2 minutes

Many thanks to all of you who responded to an online readership survey, conducted for us by Readex Research in May. We appreciate the time you took to tell us about your reading habits (both print and digital) and your topic preferences. It’s exciting—and fulfilling—to see that your interest in leadership topics continues to rise.

Already at the top of the list for several years running, leadership articles are now of much interest to 87 percent of this year’s respondents. We’re also pleased that you, once again, chose CU Management as the most valuable source of information on leading your credit union!

For this month’s leadership fix, check out “Why We Lead,” by CUES member Christie Jordan, CSE, CCE, chief financial officer at $560 million Clark County Credit Union, Las Vegas. A recent graduate of CUES’ CEO Institute, she shares several key takeaways from the program’s three segments that we can all learn from.

I especially like: “Inviting, including and inspiring others is really important. To do this well, we have to be present and truly pay attention to the people around us. We have to stop ‘nexting,’ for instance, which is thinking about the next meeting while still taking part in the current one.” Get the rest of Jordan’s insights—and see all the participants in this year’s spring institute programs—starting on p. 16.

Inspired to begin your own CEO Institute journey? Due to demand, CUES is offering CEO Institute I at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and CEO Institute II at Cornell University’s Samuel Curtis Johnson School of Management again this August. Learn more at or contact Kristin Ryan, executive education & meetings manager, at

Back to our survey results, 44 percent of you told us you see a branch/headquarters build or remodel in your near future (up from 35 percent last year). I’ll bet some of you are remodeling to incorporate video tellers and universal associates. If so, you’ll definitely want to check out these articles: “Cool Combination,” p. 12, about personal teller machines and two on universal staffing: “Utility Players,” p. 42, and “Examining Universal Staffing,” p. 46. Let me know what you think!

Mary Auestad Arnold
Editor and Publisher

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