
NextGen Leaders: Nicole Haverly


5 minutes

Nicole Haverly

Senior Portfolio Manager

$1.8 billion Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union

Saint Paul, Minn.

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Watch Nicole’s CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec video


Give us the elevator speech about your project (as in how would you describe your project to someone you meet in an elevator?):

Americans need to save more and we have found a creative way to hopefully help our members change their saving behavior. It's a program called Savings Accelerator and you have the option to add this feature to your auto loan to help you save more effortlessly and consistently. We get your signed up, you deposit an amount equivalent to your monthly car payment in your new savings account in month one, then $15 each month thereafter. You gain a higher interest rate on the savings, a reduced rate on the auto loan, and you have a ton of money saved up when you pay off your car. Win, win, right?!


What is your long-term career goal?

To be making a difference at Affinity Plus helping members and coaching employees in whatever avenue that may be. I love leading the teams I oversee, and I love that I get to help make decisions that impact our member's financial lives - all at the same time. So wherever I am needed, I will be there, trying to make a difference. 


Fill in the dots: The future of credit unions will be bright if ...

Credit unions invest in digital channels to keep up with the busy lives of consumers. A myth of millennials is that they cannot unplug from their iPhones and technology, but the fact of the matter is that it is not just millennials, it is everyone - we all are plugged into technology some way or another whether we realize it or not. Credit unions need to be convenient for their members, and need to invest in resources to keep up with the advancements that are occurring every second. The member experience needs to be personalized and unique, and not a "one-size-fits-all" mentality, and credit unions need to stay committed to providing this extraordinary experience.


What my generation brings to the credit union movement is …

We (millennials) have had marketing and advertising thrown at us our entire lives, and we want to be a part of the movement and a player in the game of life and decisions, and not a passive bystander. I personally believe in the concept of organic change, and this idea that it starts with "one," and I believe that millennials want to help be the change, not just sit back and watch change occur.


People consider me a leader because …

I allow others I work with to voice their opinions and I encourage dialogue as I believe that is what will make us a stronger team, organization, universe, etc. I value feedback and I encourage discussions in order to spark ideas, but at the same time, I am realistic about how to get things accomplished in an organized, timely fashion. I am passionate about a lot of things that I dive into and I seek others to gain this passion when they work on projects as well. And no matter what, even when things need to get done or projects need to keep moving, we all have to have fun doing it!


Who is your hero and why?

My mom. Cliché but so true. She overcame the trials and errors of being a single parent, putting me first in her life no matter the cost or time constraint or lack of sleep. Everything she did was for me and now that I have a child of my own, I can appreciate everything she has done for me and given to me. All the dance classes and recitals she came to in order to cheer me on; the softball and volleyballs games; all the uniforms and costumes she sewed; the piano and voice lessons she drove me to and paid for; the decisions she let me make, knowing that I would stumble and fall (but she knew I needed to in order to learn from these downfalls), all was for me and I am forever grateful.


Who is a must-follow on Twitter?

Filene @fileneresearch - the articles posted daily are thought-provoking but such good reads, and many times when I read a quick blog or article, I have a newfound energy for the day and what I have set out for myself.


Does your credit union have Twitter/Facebook/YouTube/Pinterest/LinkedIn/Instagram other social media accounts? Please provide links.

Facebook: Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union

Twitter: Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union


What is your favorite CUES member benefit? Or, if you are a new CUES NextGen member, what benefit are you most looking forward to using?

I am a new CUES member, but I can tell you that I am excited to utilize CUES Net, to bounce ideas, questions and obtain insights from peers in the credit union industry and movement.

Online voters and a panel of past finalists narrowed the CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec field from 20 to the Top 15 applicants. The challenge, held in conjunction with DDJ Myers and administered by Currency, searches for emerging leaders age 35 and under from within the credit union industry.

The Top 15 will blog about their project. And to provide additional value to the competition experience, they’ll each receive an executive coaching session from DDJ Myers, a CUES Supplier member and strategic provider. A judging panel of two CUES members and Deedee Myers of DDJ Myers will then score the Top 15’s applications and blog posts, narrowing the competition to five finalists.

The five finalists will receive additional coaching, airfare, accommodation and registration to CUES’ CEO/Executive Team Network™, Oct. 23-26 in Savannah, Ga., where they will give their final presentations. The 2016 CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec will receive further coaching, airfare, accommodation and registration for two CUES’ CEO Institutes, a total prize package valued at $20,000.

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