
5 Tips for Better Board Minutes

board meeting in progress
By Karen Peacey

2 minutes

Simple ways to create a short, easy-to-scan record of your discussion and decisions.

One sure way to improve the efficiency of your board is to take better minutes.

What makes minutes good? We hear from directors that good minutes are short, easy to scan and refer back to. Here are five simple, minute-taking tips to get you there:

  1. Get the vitals down, and only the vitals. Note the date of meeting, who was there, what topics were discussed and what was decided. Accept no additions or edits after the meeting ends.
  2. Avoid acronyms and jargon. All directors may not be familiar with your industry terms, legalese and insider speak. Write out all terms and opt for plain language.
  3. Keep it short and succinct. For example, “We appointed this person, to this role title, for this term, on this date.” Skip the lengthy description on the role.
  4. Highlight resolutions. Format your minutes so resolutions stand out. Bold them or put a box around them. Consider doing a summary at the end of minutes for efficient recall later.
  5. Use a consistent format. Even if your secretary is absent, have the stand-in follow the same effective template for familiar minutes every meeting.

Karen Peacey is director of customer relations for Aprio, a strategic partner of CUES. Aprio is a board portal company, headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, that helps credit unions big and small to achieve transparent communication, efficient decisions and well-run board meetings.

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