
Massachusetts CUs Host Azerbaijan Study Group


By Suzanne Boniface

The weather today in Baku, Azerbaijan was about 50 degrees with light wind. But five credit union CEOs and the chairman of the Azerbaijan Credit Union Association and the deputy director missed that cool damp weather. They were here, in the United States, enjoying 70 degrees, party sunny. More exactly, they were sitting in sessions at the UMass Five Credit Union in Amherst, Mass., learning about the operations of U.S. credit unions.

This entourage is part of an intense study group made possible through UMass Five Credit Union, USAID, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the World Council of Credit Unions. For two full weeks, they will be visiting several credit unions in Massachusetts and New Hampshire as well as the Massachusetts Credit Union League.

Being able to live our credit union mission of helping and being able to share our knowledge, our skills, and our determination to assist our members live more financially viable lives is an honor. I feel privileged to be able to help a country from so far away, a former Soviet Republic now an independent country situated on the Caspian Sea. I am sure I will also learn from the seven executives from so far. away

Tomorrow, Jon Reske, VP/marketing for UMass Five will be driving the group to the Springfield, Mass., area. Staff from my CU, ValleyStone Credit Union, will be doing our part in welcoming them to this country, commending them on their efforts for credit unions, and sharing information from ValleyStone's perspective. It is exciting to think about the exchange of ideas that will happen! 

Jon has kept me informed of their visit to date. Check out these links for pictures from their first three days and their schedule for the next two weeks.

Suzanne M. Boniface is VP/marketing for ValleyStone Credit Union and chief blogger for Shout out to Credit Unions, a blog on the importance of telling the CU story.

Watch for more reports on this visit from Suzanne.

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