
Time to Sit Down


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

On Friday my son and I visited the nearest branch to my home of Canadaigua National Bank and Trust, even though I'm not a customer there.

Why did I go? It was 90 degrees outside and the branch has a wonderful Brio wooden train table, plus an electric toy train running on a track above our heads. My son was in train heaven and I got to look around and think a little.

What did I see? I saw that each teller window had a chair in front of it--and behind it. Tellers were sitting; customers came in, sat down, and talked and even laughed with them while they banked.

What did I think? I thought: How lovely. A chance to sit down.

Who do you sit down with? Your friends? Your family? Perhaps the chairs at the teller counter add closeness--even depth--to the relationships formed in that branch.

Does anyone have any data about how long their branch transactions take? And about how the duration of teller-member interaction corresponds to depth of member relationship? While we know we need volumes and speedy service, perhaps in CU land there's time--and a need--to sit down and talk as well.

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