
More on Leveraging Technology to Your PR Advantage


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

I liked it when Eastman Credit Union partnered with community groups to offer free wireless access in Kingsport, Tenn. (Read my earlier post here.) The CU is getting some great PR on the wireless access page for its efforts.

And yesterday I read about another CU leveraging partnerships and technology as a PR tool: $333 million UVA Community Credit Union, Charlottesville, Va.

The CU has entered its second year partnering with the University of Virginia, Piedmont Virginia Community College, the city of Albermarle and Albemarle Schools, and the city of Charlottesville and Charlottesville Schools to create Who's Watching Charlottesville, a public service coalition designed to educate the public about protecting themselves and their information while on line.

In October, Cybersecurity Awareness Month, CU Education Specialist Aaron Paula Thompson was a road show presenter covering identity theft and phishing scam prevention to employers, schools and other groups that requested seminars.Cyberawareness The group gave five presentations to a total of 200 attendees.

On the Who's Watching Charlottesville? Web site, you can download a 12-minute video of Thompson teaching community members about ID theft prevention.

Talk about looking like an expert!

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