
UPDATE: Denise Wymore is Webinar-ing!


Posted by Christopher Stevenson

UPDATE: Denise Wymore's Webinar got great reviews. How could it not? She managed to link Krispy Kreme to CUs! If you missed Denise's Webinar but are dying to know what happened, you can still listen to the playback for free. Click this link. The password is "experience."

Be sure to come back and leave a comment or two after you listen. I'd love to hear your feedback.

I've been negligent and am riddled with guilt. Our friend Denise Wymore is presenting a free Webinar for CUES next Thursday, January 31, and I failed to point it out to you. (Sorry, Denise.) Here's the session description:

Photo_homeTurning the Daily Grind into a Gourmet Brew
The daily grind. It's an easy trap to fall into. We go to work, do our jobs to the best of our ability, but how often do we take a fresh look at the work we do and how we do it? Join culture consultant Denise Wymore as she explores some of the most successfully innovative companies from across industries and discusses how to apply the lessons these companies have learned to your own work, improving your job, your CU, and the movement as a whole.

Now, there's bad news and good news.

The bad news is that if you want to sit in on Denise's Webinar, it's full-up. Every seat available for the live Webinar is taken. But wait!!! Don't forget there's good news too. You can still experience Denise in all her shining glory through free playback of the Webinar. All you have to do is click here and then click "order now."

Take advantage of this opportunity. You'll love it (and it will help ease my guilty conscience).

Compass Subscription