
Hey, Leave a Comment! (a shameless request)


Posted by Christopher Stevenson

When I first started blogging, I was concerned that I got very few comments on my posts. I imagined people sitting down in front of their PCs, reading my posts, nodding their head, mumbling something like, "Interesting," and then immediately forgetting what they'd read. That was better than the alternative daydream in which folks scanned my posts, said something like, "Well, that's dumb," and then never came back to the blog.

Now I'm beyond worrying about collecting comments on the blog. I monitor the traffic to the site so I know people read Nexus Connection and that they return. But the question remains, why don't people comment? Bloggers comment on other people's blogs, but the average CU employee doesn't. Why is that? I've asked around. Typical responses are, "Oh, I'm not ready to comment," and "They're interesting posts, but I don't feel like I have the expertise to contribute." In other words, blog fright.

I'm here to tell you that you don't need to be afraid. Bloggers and their readers are kind, sensitive, and caring people (for the most part); they won't jump on you and tear you apart, even if they disagree with your comment. You know you have opinions. Share them; you'll feel better. Plus, a nice side benefit is that you help to create awareness of your organization.

Now's your chance, leave a comment on this post. It's not hard and since this topic isn't theWibca5uw9d4cazfbjatca62dmoaca3anolg least bit controversial, you can leave a note without fear of rejection or ridicule. C'mon, you can do it. Just enter your name and e-mail and then write a comment in the text box below. Heck, it doesn't even have to be on topic. Go ahead. I dare you. Just follow the arrow.

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