
Hopping on the Experience Train to Minneapolis


Posted by Jessica Jones, CUES Marketing Specialist

CUES Experience first hit my radar last summer, when the name started to float around the CUES office. Every time I heard something new about it, it got better. Minneapolis (a very cool city if you've never been - hip like Chicago but uber-relaxed like Seattle). Mall of America and Summit Brewing Company. Sessions on fascinating subjects for anyone in marketing, like "Unlocking Cool," about viral events and other marketing-meets-IT innovations, and "Sense and Respond Marketing."

So when my supervisors offered our marketing department the opportunity to go to CUES Experience as attendees, we all grabbed it like kids under a pinata, mentally jumping up and down in glee. One of us might have actually jumped (ahem).

Better yet, we just got wind that Pixel Farm Interactive has been added as another choice for the off-site visit. Christopher blogged about it recently, and I can tell he was one of us kids under the pinata.

All joking aside, this is seriously exciting stuff. As part of the generation that takes the Internet for granted, I can get kind of jaded - the clutter of new technology, oy. But visiting their Web site has me fired up. It's completely absorbing - I want to visit it every day just to see the animation. That's the golden ring Web developers and marketers want to grab with their Web site - constant and returning traffic, and lots of it. Sure, you might not need all the bells and whistles, but even a sprinkle of Pixel Farm-inspired strategy could be the boost you're looking for.

I've got my fingers crossed that I'll get my No. 1 choice for the off-site. I want to know their secrets! Maybe I'll see you there, and we can jump up and down together - just not in front of the cool Pixel Farm kids.

P.S. When you visit their site, check out the pictures of their offices under the "About Us" link. Yowza.

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