
A Happy Addition to CUES Experience


Posted by Christopher Stevenson

I am very pleased that Morriss Partee, Chief Experience Officer at, and Tim McAlpine, president and chief strategist of Currency Marketing, will be presenting Building Relationships Through Social Media, a 60-minute breakout session at CUES Experience on May 14. In their own words:

If Facebook were a country, it would be the nineteenth largest in the WORLD, clocking in at 69 million registered members and growing rapidly. Social networking is changing the landscape, and there are opportunities to get involved. In this session, join two online social media pioneers to learn how you can utilize your credit union's existing resources to create and deepen online and offline relationships with YOUR members, and in the process sell more products.

Morriss and Tim are two of the most innovative, forward-thinking credit union advocates out there and I am excited to have them join the Experience breakout session line-up.

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