
Your Vote for Summer Reading


Posted by Christopher Stevenson

Summer is almost here. Talk of books and "beach reading" is rampant. Friends are asking me what I'm going to read over the summer. Morning Edition on NPR is featuring interviews with independent book sellers. And Ann Handley over at MarketingProfs pointed out this list of 1001 books I must read before I die (of which I've read about 25, only 976 to go). All this book talk makes me wonder what I really should read over the summer.

41y3eagje9l__ss500_I like books that can help me improve how I work. Steve Williams recently recommended Made to Stick. I'm a few chapters in and loving it. What else do you recommend? I don't need a list of 1001, but let's see how close we can get.

By the way, I often select authors with unique and innovative perspectives to speak at CUES events. If there's a book you think I absolutely have to read, be sure to leave a comment and let me know.

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