
Gene and Doug Talk Patent Protection


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

I'm remiss in sharing that blogosphere friends Doug True and Gene Blishen were featured in last week's CUES Tech Port feature, "Protecting Your Intellectual Property." Doug, SVP/technovation at FORUM Credit Union, Indianapolis, and president of the CU's CUSO, FORUM Solutions, and Gene, manager of Mount Lehman Credit Union, Mount Lehman, British Columbia, kindly spoke with me about their patent applications for technology developed in house. A key reason they're both doing it is to protect intellectual property developed at CUs or CUSOs from banking competitors.

CUES and CUES Supplier members can access the feature on CUES Tech Port. (If you need your members-only password, please e-mail If you're not a member, just e-mail me and I'll send you a copy. Thanks, Doug and Gene!

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