
CEO Network: It's Alive!


By Christopher Stevenson

There's something very appealing about the concept of a "living document." I like the idea that a document can be revised to meet changing needs over time. Over the past month, we've had the opportunity to apply the same concept to CEO Network, changing it to address the ever-evolving economy and market conditions. As part of these changes, I am proud to announce that economist Dr. Lloyd Atkinson will be joining CEO Network as our closing speaker.

Atkinson is the chief investment executive for Perigee, one of Canada's major investment banks, and is widely respected as an economist and forecaster. Prior to joining Perigree, Atkinson was executive vice president and chief economist of the Bank of Montreal. He also served as deputy assistant director at the U.S. congressional budget office and senior economist at the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress.

In his session, Clearing the Air: Making Sense of the Economy and Its Effect on Your CU, Atkinson will draw a map of the current and future global economy and how today's rapidly changing economic and monetary policies may affect local markets and your credit union. He'll directly address the concerns of credit unions and detail what's happening now and what comes next.

CEO Network has been a rare opportunity for CUES to adjust our content right up to the date of the conference to meet the changing demands of the credit union industry. I'm confident you'll return from CEO Network with tools and contacts that will help you lead your credit union in today's dynamic environment. 

Note: I'd like extend my thanks to Sue Gardner, executive director of Wikimedia, for her flexibility in scheduling, which allowed us to schedule Dr. Atkinson's session. Ms. Gardner's session will be rescheduled for CUES Experience in April.

Christopher Stevenson is CUES' professional development manager and one of two main contributors to the CUES Nexus Connection blog.

Read about a "pay-what-you-can" plan that helps make CEO Network more affordable.

Read about other CEO Network programming changes that reflect the current economy.

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