
Creating our own Buzz


By Ron Jooss

Last week, Laura Jensen of 1st Pacific Credit Union, Vallejo, Calif., sent the following e-mail to CUES Net, our members-only e-mail discussion group, in response to a routine question about debit card policy. Note the last sentence, in particular.

"I rented a car from Alamo in San Diego. I made the reservation with my debit card. When I arrived to pick up the car, they refused to rent to me until I proved to them I had booked a return flight. Apparently there are renters out there who intend to pay by debit card when they return the car. The problem is they don't return the car… perhaps that is related to the excessive charges (sometimes charged to members when they pay for car rentals via debit card)?

Incidentally, I did show them my return flight itinerary, paid for the rental (with my debit card) when I returned the car, and had no issues with he charged to my debit card. And, I convinced the rental agent to transfer his Visa balance with Bank of America to any of the fine credit unions in San Diego!"

Obviously, Laura drinks the credit union Kool-Aid, as do so many of us who are involved with credit unions. But Laura's e-mail did cause me to pause. Do we all make the most of opportunities like this to sell people on the credit union movement? Sure, it's important, but more than that, we're lucky we work—and interact with each other—within an industry that we can so proudly share with people.

Can you imagine if you worked in the airline industry, or for a petroleum company. Nothing against the folks who punch the clock for companies within those industries. I once worked for a bank, and the people I worked beside were no different than the credit union people I work with today. I think everyone understands that.

But credit union folks are the rare people in the business world who can actually tell others that we offer a better deal for consumers. Not many people in the business world have that opportunity. I suggest we take advantage of it whenever we can.

Ron Jooss edits the General Management and Board sections of CUES' Credit Union Management magazine.

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