
Web Video Success Tips


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

I like to say that the surest way to leave an editor without words is to stand them up in front of a group of people and ask them to speak.

So this day of Web video can be daunting for some of us. In contrast, CUES member Gary Easterling, CCE, seems to have taken in stride the shooting of the video for his credit union's new common sense Web site.

$850 million United Federal Credit Union's campaign, covered in more detail in today's CUES article, includes print ads and the common sense Web site, which showcase the credit union difference. The Web site features videos of Easterling, president/CEO of the St. Joseph, Mich., CU, answering questions about credit unions, TARP and how members can manage in these tough economic times.

He laughed a little when I asked him about his experience making the movies.

"It is a little intimidating at times if you think about it," he says, noting that things are easier once you realize you'll never get it right on the first take.

Indeed, Easterling says it took a half day to shoot the footage. While what he was going to say was scripted out in advance, he didn't want to read it. So getting it smooth took some time.

"You lose track of where you are, start, stop, cut and then edit later," he says. What you see on the site is the combination of several takes.

Anyone else have tips for success shooting Web video?

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