
Drum Roll, Please ...


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

Used to be you had to be on hand after the CUES Golden Mirror Awards banquet if you wanted to check out "the boards"--a room full of displays of the winning GMA entries. Marketers, CEOs, vendors, agency reps and I used to walk up and down long aisles of easels, checking out the great ideas, celebrating the successes, and loving the artwork and choices of color.GMABanner

My how things have changed.

This year you and I can check out the best in credit union marketing right here, without ever leaving our seats. From that one link, you can view not only a list of winners, but the complete entries, artwork and materials for each one of the winners. And for the top three--the GMA Best of Show, the Rookie of the Year and the Golden Shoestring--there's also a video summary of their winning work.

So join me after the drum roll ... in congratulating--and being inspired by--the 2009 GMA winners!

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