
Podcast: Current Issues in Credit Unions, #36


Posted by Christopher Stevenson

CUES is pleased to be able to share with our readers Current Issues in Credit Unions, a monthly podcast about credit unions and the issues they face. The podcast is hosted by leading attorneys who work in the movement.

This episode discusses:

  • Corporate credit union stabilization.
  • Negative predictions and their likelikhood, including regulator consolidation, loss of tax status, CU consolidation, trade associations and leagues going away, and the loss of the dual charter system.
  • UDAP and credit cards.
  • Adverse action: tips and traps.
  • Bad employee YouTube videos.

The hosts of Current Issues in Credit Unions are:

Brian Witt, member,  Farleigh Wada Witt, Attorneys at Law, Portland, Ore.

Guy Messick, member,  Messick & Weber P.C. , Media, Pa. 

Faith Anderson, American Airlines Credit Union, DFW Airport, Texas.

Robert Rutkowski, shareholder, Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Co. , LPA, Cleveland, Ohio

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