
Social Media Short Comings


No matter which social media application I use--Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn--I inevitably end up with friends/followers/connections that I don't know well, or at all. It rarely turns out well. I friend/follow/connect with them because they seem interesting at first blush, but too often they turn out not to be. In the worst cases, I've fallen in with "diarrhea posters," those people who can't resist posting their every thought; the updates keep on flowing until I can't stand it any more. My accounts become foggy with white noise until I finally end up un-friending/following/connecting the offenders.

I know I'm the source of the problem; If I only had self-control, I wouldn't end up with a slew of useless contacts. But human nature being what it is, I'm hesitant to change my bad habits. I figur

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