
Our Web Site More Fully = Us Now


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

Remember my post "Our Web Site = Us"? (If you do, thank you so much for your faithful reading!) In that post I talked about being embarrassed that our online index of articles for Credit Union Management magazine timed out when a member tried to access the "Trends" article category.

But we're a professional development organization. We believe in growth, learning and making things better. So about a week ago CUES' Web master, Jenny Jackson, sent me an e-mail saying:

"This is now working and it is FAST!"

And so it is. CUES members and non-members alike can now find--rapid-fire fast--past Credit Union Management about everything from ATMs/Kiosks to Lending to Web Design. And a good many of these are on line for your click-through perusal.

No more embarrassment here. This is a great resource!

(Also check out our archives of daily articles by topic. These include print magazine articles available on line.)

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