
Learning is a Lifelong Occupation


By Lisa Hochgraf


This famous painting done by Paul Gauguin in 1897 visually illustrates the three questions that comprise the painting's title: Where do we come from? Where are we? Where are we going?

When I waxed philosophical during the speech I gave at my high school graduation, I answered all of these questions with one word: learning.

We come to the present knowing what we do because we have learned. In the present, we are learning every day how to better manage our personal lives and our work. And as we move into the future, we will keep learning. We have to, or we'll get left behind.

In my high school speech, I told my fellow graduates: "Because the possibilities for learning are endless, we cannot predict exactly what each of us will learn. Still, we must prepare ourselves to learn. We must challenge ourselves to learn."

What have you challenged yourself to learn lately? What has been your most important learning experience to date?

Lisa Hochgraf is board/operations editor for CUES' Credit Union Management magazine and edits the CUES Tech Port e-newsletter, News to Go. (See a photo of Lisa at her graduate school graduation in this post.)

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