
Can Your Tellers do That? (aka Treat Regulars Right Reprise)


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

It's been about a year since I regularly came to the SPoT cafe here in Rochester, N.Y., to work. Last summer I came here to work every business day for five weeks, while my son attended science camps nearby. I became a regular and loved being one.

This morning, I smiled when I saw Mike, the guy who used to put my coffee order in when he saw me walk through the door. He smiled, too, and said, "I haven't seen you for a while"--and remembered my order (a decaf vanilla latte).

Wow! The SPoT won my loyalty last summer by making my telecommuting welcome. And this move won it back for this year.

Can your tellers do that?

What happens when a member returns to your credit union? Do the front-line staffers remember them? How do you think being remembered might make a difference in keeping members coming back?

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