
10th Anniversary Celebration Surprise


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

I was in Madison last week to celebrate my 10th employment anniversary, along with two colleagues who were also marking a decade with CUES. (In the photo, I'm at left, then Editor Theresa Sweeney, VP/Sales Karin Weiss, and President/CEO Fred Johnson.)10thanniversary

The event was everything I could have asked for: a nice lunch, great tenure gifts, kind words from colleagues and managers, and lots of appreciation all around.

I'm kind of a "pay for performance" (as opposed to for tenure) sort of person. So the first inkling of the surprise came from just how good I was feeling after the event--it really upped my already good morale to get all that positive feedback (and in person, no less, an added perk for this telecommuter).

My surprise deepened, however, when another CUES staffer came up to me after the lunch, gave me a hug and said it had been wonderful to have this event at this time. It's been a tough year all around, she noted, and she had enjoyed remembering good times, laughing with colleagues and sharing all the positive energy.


While everyone is working extra hard to make things work in this down economy, it's a great time to pause and take note of good things that are happening. What are you celebrating at your credit union this week or this month?

Lisa Hochgraf is board/operations editor for CUES' Credit Union Management magazine.

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