
A Moment of Brand Reflection


Posted by Christopher Stevenson

Have you seen Brand Tags? It's a Web site that shows you a logo and asks you to submit the first word or phrase that comes to mind. Your answers are added to a tag cloud that visually represents all answers related to that brand's logo. The premise is laid out on the home page: "The basic idea of this site is that a brand exists entirely in people's heads. Therefore, a brand is whatever they say it is."

For instance, popular responses to the Home Depot logo include DIY, hardware, home improvement, and crap. Common responses to Coldstone Creamery are ice cream, yummy, expensive, and fat. Here's a sample from the tag cloud for the Apple logo:

Apple Tag Cloud

Brand Tag is a fun site to explore as it provides insights into common perceptions of some of the most common brands.

This raises the question: What would the tag cloud look like for your credit union? How about for the movement as a whole?

What do you think?

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