
Think-o: A Culture of Learning


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

This morning my senior vice president, Barb Kachelski, added a new word to my lexicon: think-o.

According to Barb, a think-o is "like a typo but the totally wrong word." So if you say paradise instead of paradox, for example, that's a think-o.

I e-mailed Barb saying  I loved the new term and planned to use it--often.

When Barb e-mailed back, she changed my world. "May it foster a culture of learning!" she wrote.

Indeed. Thinking about the wrong word gives you a whole new perspective on your work, even if you end up getting the right word back into the discussion.

So here's a task for today: Don't think of one-word mistakes as problems. Think of them as think-o's and opportunities to learn.

Lisa Hochgraf is a CUES editor.

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