
It's All About Leadership


By Lucy Roidt


At the recent CUES Alabama Council meeting, attendees got some great tips on leadership from Aimee S. Call, corporate senior manager of the Ritz Carlton Leadership Center. These included:

  • Be a real leader by inspiring and igniting the fire in your people.
  • Create systems behind the smiles. (That is, make sure back-end processes support front-line sales.)
  • Foster an environment of high trust and low fear.
  • Ethics are everything.
  • Be positive and enthusiastic.
  • Be humble and recognize the power of a team, which is a group of people who go out of their way to make each other look good.
  • Remember that bosses drive people; leaders coach them.
  • Being a good communicator means sharing information.
  • Active listening earns people’s trust and respect.
  • Good leaders have a sense of who they really are.

What tips would you add to Aimee's list?

Lucy Roidt is CUES' executive education and councils manager.


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