


By Lisa Hochgraf

They say it's lonely at the top--in the CEO's office, that is. But does it have to be?

The top leadership of the mother's group to which I belong here in the Rochester, N.Y., area isn't such a lonely job because it's usually composed of two--or even three--"co-leaders." Granted, these are volunteers, but this is no slouch job. The organization is busy, busy with activities for moms and tots. Three people still have a lot to do to keep things running smoothly.

And I read with interest this recent article on GonzoBanker that noted that having co-CEOs or even co-chairmen is not so uncommon as it first seemed to me.

Have you heard of co-CEOs in CU land? When would co-CEOs be an arrangement that could work well? (And what do you think it would take to make it work well?) Conversely, when would you expect such an arranagement to fall flat on its face?

Lisa Hochgraf is a CUES editor.

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