
Recommended Resources for CU Directors


By Lisa Hochgraf

During the CUES Director Development Seminar in Vancouver, British Columbia, session leader Michael Daigneault recommended several resources for credit union boards. Daigneault is senior governance consultant with BoardSource, Washington, D.C.

  • The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance (BoardSource)

  • Governance Committee by Berit Lakey, Sandra R. Hughes and Outi Flynn (BoardSource)

  • Good Governance for Nonprofits: Developing Principles and Policies for an Effective Board by Fredric L. Laughlin and Robert C. Andringa (AMACOM)

  • Legal Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards by Bruce R. Hopkins, JD, LLM (BoardSource)

  • Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High-Impact Non-Profits by Leslie R. Crutchfield and Heather McLeod Grant (Jossey-Bass)

What are your favorite board resources?

Lisa Hochgraf is a CUES editor.

The BoardSource books are available for purchase at CUES' Center for Credit Union Board Excellence.

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