
Even CEOs Should Never Stop Learning


By Jodi Chambers

Editor's note: Jodi was a runner-up in last year's Next Top Credit Union Exec challenge, with its prize of professional development credits. When top winner Tina K. Hall shared her prize with first runner-up Ronaldo Hardy, the idea of awarding professional development to all the finalists blossomed. Ultimately, CU leaders and organizations donated so much support that four finalists attended CEO Institute I in Philadelphia this spring. We're pleased to bring you a post from each of them about their experience at this acclaimed learning program. (Read Tina's post here and Ronaldo's here.)

Josh McAfee, 23, is the first entrant in this year's contest! He's the marketing director at $141 million Leaders Credit Union in Jackson, Tenn. Check out his first video. Entry deadline is June 7!

What lessons did I learn at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School during CUES' CEO Institute I this year? Read on to find out.

  • Strategic conversations should not be a “once a year” activity; they should be built into your leadership meetings on a weekly basis. 
  • Take time to view your credit union from the outside-in and I mean “outside” of the financial service industry. It is amazing what can be learned and applied to credit unions, from non-financial institution companies.
  • Don’t dismiss what you may think are impossible “future facts." Challenge yourself to consider what could be realities outside of your box or comfort zone.
  • I don’t think Philly makes a bad “cheesesteak.” Yum!
  • There is value in building “creative thinking” exercises into your regular meetings. It will build a culture of innovation and desire for change.
  • Leadership is many things: having a vision, integrity, compassion, clear strategy, appreciation for your employees' work, ability to make educated and timely decisions, and strong communication skills.
  • It's better to visit the the "Rocky stairs and statue" Philadelphia landmark (from the 1976 movie, Rocky) in the daytime! The statue has been moved to the bottom of the stairs, is a dark grey color and has zero lights around him! It's hard to see at night.
  • Technology is changing faster than I ever imagined. Take the opportunity to use OPM--other people’s money--and look for ways to incorporate technology that is already out there for your benefit.
  • Challenge yourself to look at segmenting your business in a crazy and non-traditional structure. You never know the business opportunities available to your credit union, plus it's a lot of fun!
  • Never stop learning; there is a lesson in almost everything you do and everyone you meet. Isn’t that awesome?!

Jodi Chambers is director of business excellence at $2.8 billion Assiniboine Credit Union, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Read more about Jodi's CEO Institute experiences. 

Enter this year's Next Top Credit Union Exec challenge. Deadline is June 7!

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