
Good People in Tough Times


 By Fred Johnson 

Reflecting on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks brings mixed emotions. It was a tremendous tragedy—one that’s hard to think about even after a decade has passed. And yet, it’s the kind of event that warms your heart when you think of how credit union leaders and staff members were among the many people who stepped up to be people helping people. 

Sept. 11, 2001, CUES members at CUs directly affected by the attacks wrote to our CUES Net members-only listserve about their concern for their staffs and their members. Other CUES members offered support and key advice, including “Stay calm.”

Like so many other Americans, I was glued to the televsion for news of the attacks. But my vantage point was different. I watched from London, where I was participating in CUES' Directors Leadership Institute's first day of classes with several firefighters and employees of Municipal Credit Union in New York City. There, I witnessed first hand the outpouring of support from people visiting the U.S. Embassy. The grounds were literally covered with flowers and there were endless lines of people to sign the sympathy book. It felt good to know America had friends everywhere.

As the nation marks the 10th anniversary of that horrific day, credit unions are again at the forefront, taking up collections to support community groups, placing memorial flags, contributing tens of thousands of dollars to charities that support emergency responders—or the children of people who lost their lives that fateful day—and planting trees as signs of renewed hope. 

As the old refrain goes, actions speak louder than words. I’m proud to be part of a movement that tirelessly takes action to make the world a better place.

Fred Johnson is president/CEO of CUES.

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