
Just Hired a CEO? Don't Just Cross Your Fingers


By Barb Kachelski, CAE

One of the most important jobs directors have is selecting a CEO. Unfortunately, after a board's careful and diligent effort to hire a new CEO, directors have to wait to see how that new executive performs.

In the interim, don't just cross your fingers, John M. Oesch suggested to this year's DLI: Governance participants. Instead, try these strategies for fostering the success of your new top manager.

  • Create and communicate expectations.
  • Provide guidance.
  • Observe/monitor the CEO's performance.
  • Provide feedback.
  • Introduce the new CEO to key people .

"We want this person to succeed," Oesch said of boards, "but there will be a delay before we know if they will."

Barb Kachelski, CAE, is CUES' SVP/chief operating officer.

Learn more about DLI: Governance.

Read a post about Oesch's presentation about decision-making at the 2010 DLI: Governance.

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