
Align Mystery Shopping Goals With Service Standards


By Jim Jerving

“External service” is, of course, how a credit union treats its members. Mystery shopping is a valuable method of measuring external service, but problems surface when credit unions fail to align the goals of mystery shopping with the organization’s service standards.

“Are you mystery shopping the same things you are training employees to do?” asks Michael Neill, CSE, president of CUES strategic provider Michael Neill and Associates, Atlanta, and its credit union sales and service consultation-based program, ServiStar. “Mystery shopping has to be aligned with your credit union’s service standards and should measure standards that you know will lead to the fulfillment of your brand.

“You have to establish what service behaviors you want your employees to exhibit,” he says. “Are employees being helpful, knowledgeable and friendly? Did we call you by name?”

Jim Jerving is a freelance writer and frequent contributor to credit union industry publications.

Mike Neill will present free credit union training with a CUES Webinar called "Coaching Equals Culture Change" at 1 p.m.  Central time on Nov. 10. 

Get more information about credit union consulting on sales and service available through ServiStar.

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