
Giving Ideas at the Gates Foundation


By Christopher Stevenson

The CUES School of Strategic Marketing visited the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Visitor Center today. The foundation manages a $60 billion endowment and grants over $3 billion to, as Warren Buffet put it, “take on the really tough problems”: helping farmers in developing countries grow more food and earn more money; developing new tools to prevent and treat deadly diseases; and helping teachers and students in the classroom.

The visitor center is full of interactive exhibits designed to educate, inspire, and motivate guests to take an active role in improving the global community. One exhibit asked visitors to write on a card the things they do to serve, the promises they make to help improve the global community, or the ways they have benefited from good others have done.

The cards are displayed on wire trees.


There were a ton of great ideas shared.

One card stood out among all the others. 



 Christopher Stevenson is VP/marketing and professional development for CUES.

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