
Slow Down to Build Work Relationships


By Barb Kachelski, CAE

I hate to admit it, but I am guilty.

I have walked past others in the office, saying, “Hi, how are you?” to coworkers and not pausing to hear their full reply.

Daisy Nelson White, Ph.D., encouraged attendees at the African-American Credit union Coalition’s 2012 Annual Convention to take the time to be respectful. By honoring each other, Nelson White says individuals are more likely to build relationships where they can quickly reach agreement in a win/win way. She shared a tradition from Zimbabwe, where greetings are more deliberate.

The initiator says,

Sawubona “I See You”

And the recipient replies,

Ngikhona “I am Here”

I am looking forward to slowing down, offering sincere greetings, and enjoying the added bonus of learning more about the wonderful people I work with!

Barb Kachelski, CAE, is SVP/chief operating officer for CUES.

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