
What Can a Channel do for You?


By Lisa Hochgraf

Dan Gorman (left) and John Bowen work on a tabletop exercise during Terence Roche's session at CUES Symposium in early February. A CUES Director member, Gorman is chair of $218 million River Valley Credit Union in Miamisburg, Ohio; a CUES member, Bowen is president/CEO.

At the end of the day, what can a particular delivery channel do for your credit union?

Terence Roche offered this list to attendees of CUES Symposium: A CEO/Chairman Exchange in early February:

  • Get us new members.
  • Get us share of wallet.
  • Provide member service and help us keep our most profitable members.
  • Generate fee income.
  • Boost our efficiency.

Principal with Cornerstone Advisors Inc., a CUES Supplier member and CUES strategic partner based in Scottsdale, Ariz., Roche suggested that credit unions can learn a lot by considering which of their delivery systems do which of the above things.

What is the key goal your credit union has for each of the following channels that it offers?

  • branch,
  • call center,
  • interactive voice response (seems boring, but Roche reminds that it's very, very efficient),
  • online loan applications,
  • online account opening,
  • mobile,
  • social media, and
  • outbound call center employees.

Lisa Hochgraf is a CUES editor.

You may be interested in attending the CUES School of Product and Channel Management slated for April 29-30 in Chicago.

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