
Ideation CPR—How to Stop Thinking and Start Doing


By Michael Hudson

Ideas are seductive. They move us beyond what we know, to consider what might be. They allow us to tap our inner genius as we explore possibilities without limits.

Ideas can frustrate. They remind us how much we don’t know. They force us to admit there are things we simply cannot (or will not) do. They lead us to invest time, energy and money going down paths that sometimes end up going nowhere.

Ideas have power. They reveal solutions to problems—those we’ve been wrestling with, those we don’t even know we have and those that have not yet emerged.

Ideation is the process of coming up with ideas, and it is an important part of the day-to-day conversations of every business leader. Ideation stimulates discussion and debate and leads to better decisions. It creates visions of the future. It engages people in solving problems.

I like to say ideation is the lifeblood of the modern organization. The flexibility that drives business results rests firmly on a foundation of effective ideation, much the way our cardio-pulmonary system keeps us alive. That’s why every business leader needs to learn Ideation CPR. Here’s how it works.

  • Capture and Clarify—Successful leaders I’ve worked with over the years have all had a tool they used to capture their ideas. For some it’s file cards, for others it’s a note on their smartphone. Next, they systematically clarify ideas using a framework that helps them focus their thinking, such as: a list of criteria the idea must meet to merit further attention, questions designed to determine whether the idea has immediate or future value and a process for vetting the ideas with others.
  • Process and Prioritize—Once you have a set of ideas you need to process them. Consider applying the “5 Ws and 1 H,” approach by asking Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How questions. This processing will help reveal which ideas merit your current attention, which ones should be saved for later and which ones should be ignored for now. From there you can prioritize—choose the ideas that deserve your current attention and put them in the order you want to tackle them.
  • Remove and Revise—Nothing is more important in Ideation CPR than deciding what you are not going to do and which ideas you are not going to pursue. Be aggressive in removing the ideas that don’t fit. This sets the stage for defining action steps that will support implementation of the ideas that have bubbled to the top of the list. The goal is to narrow the choices, choose the best ideas for action and bring closure to the process so you don’t keep returning to the same idea.

When you let the Ideation CPR process work, it will help your business thrive and you won’t get bogged down with too many possibilities!

Dr. Michael Hudson is the Founder and Principal of

Learn more about turning ideas into action from Hudson at CEO/Executive Team Network, Nov. 3-6 in San Diego. Register today.

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