
Shining a Light on CU Marketing


By Mark Weber and Randy Schultz

A new day is dawning in the world of professional credit union marketing. It was not so long ago the chief responsibility of the marketing person was buying radio and newspaper ads, coordinating statement stuffers and brochures, and producing a member newsletter. Today, the role of a marketing professional has taken on a level of complexity previously unimaginable, encompassing digital media, SEO, SEM, social media, matrix marketing and organizational branding, as well as driving revenue.

The rapid pace and breadth of change yields an opportunity to evolve how we recognize and reward excellence, innovation and especially results in financial services marketing. For the past 40 years, the CUES Golden Mirror Awards have showcased the best of the best internationally in credit union marketing. On the occasion of this anniversary, Weber Marketing Group is pleased to collaborate with CUES to raise the bar of professional marketing recognition to the next level.

The process began three years ago when we worked with CUES to develop the CUES School of Strategic Marketing™ I and CUES School of Strategic Marketing™ II. These offerings have positioned CUES on the leading edge of professional development by bringing a strategic discipline to credit union marketing focused on innovation and impact.

The 2014 iteration of the Golden Mirror Awards competition will include a new emphasis on outcomes, raise the bar on innovation and acknowledge marketing efforts aligned with credit union objectives. There is a reason why the saying “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it” endures—it makes good business sense. GMA will distinguish innovative, proactive marketing efforts that show accountability for creativity and results from outmoded, traditional and reactive approaches. Award categories have been tuned up and refocused and are expected to include innovation, branding, digital, social and new technologies.

Honors earned in the revamped GMA program will, for the first time, be awarded in a live, high-octane ceremony in Seattle on July 16, scheduled between the two CUES marketing schools. We are envisioning a financial services marketing and innovation showcase that will also feature some of the country’s great brands headquartered in the Pacific Northwest. The networking opportunities, idea generation and caffeine will be unparalleled.

Feeling comfortable with public recognition of extraordinary creativity and impact does not always come easily to credit unions. The mantra of “not-for-profit, not for charity, but for service” has built a sense of quiet humility in the industry and among many marketing professionals. It’s time for credit unions to step up and share their stories to help build the industry and reshape the brand of credit unions into the most viable banking alternative in the nation. Marketers, this is your job.

The 2014 Golden Mirror Awards will provide an ideal platform to highlight the great works you’ve done for the benefit of your cooperative organization, its employees, its members’ lives and the communities you serve. The 2014 GMA presentation event on the South Lake Union waterfront--and the activities, people and buzz surrounding it--promise to be the one event you won’t want to miss this year.

Mark Weber is president/CEO and Randy Schultz is VP/marketing of CUES Supplier member Weber Marketing Group, Seattle.

Join Mark and Randy at CUES School of Strategic Marketing I July 14-16, and CUES School of Strategic Marketing II, July 17-18, in Seattle. Stay tuned for more information on the 2014 Golden Mirror Awards.

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