
Accepting the Death of Advertising


Excerpted from The 2020 Vision of Marketing by Denise Wymore

What is the 2020 Vision of Marketing? That advertising will be dead.

Many marketers are not willing to concede that it will happen. They are, quite frankly, in denial. They are following the five stages of accepting death.

Denial. This can't be happening to me.

There's no way I'm going to do anything different. So what if we aren't getting the response we wanted. I'll blame the economy. Television and radio ads will always be around. And direct mail--c'mon. How will our members know what products we offer if we don't tell them?

Anger. This isn't fair!

I won awards for these marketing efforts! I have trophies in my office to prove that my radio, television and newspaper ads were winners! If we stopped all that marketing, we'd go under.

Bargaining. I'll do anything to keep things as they were--just for a little while longer. Just until I retire.

Well, I can't just STOP all marketing. What would I do? I have to keep to my marketing calendar, but I'll dabble in social media. When I have time ...

Depression. I'm so sad, why bother with anything?

I'm open to exploring this thing called social media. I don't know exactly what it all means, but I'm willing to go there. I accept that things are changing--rapidly--and I need new tools in my toolbox.

Denise Wymore is a credit union lifer, evangelist, and cheerleader for passion and commitment. Most recently she co-founded 6th Story and authored The 2020 Vision of Marketing.

Learn more and register for CUES School of Strategic Marketing I, July 14-16, Seattle, and CUES School of Strategic Marketing II, July 17-18, Seattle.

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