
Engage the Unengaged Employee


By Lisa Hochgraf, based on reporting by Karin Sand

By Lisa Hochgraf, based on reporting by Karin Sand

Prospective grooms deliver flowers, make reservations at a nice restaurant and get down on one knee, all in the hopes that the woman of their dreams will say yes when they pop the proverbial question. How do you get your employees to say yes to getting engaged—and to being more committed—to your credit union and its mission?

This key question is being discussed this week at CUES School of Growth and Profitability in Austin, Texas. Consider some data:

  • According to Forbes magazine, employee engagement scores have declined for years, despite the millions of dollars companies invest to boost sagging workforce morale.
  • 55 percent of employees say they are disengaged in the work of their organization, and 16 percent report being actively disengaged, according to Gallup Group Research.
  • Disengaged employees cost the American economy as much $350 billion a year in lost productivity, also according to Gallup.

Actively disengaged employees are “CAVE” dwellers, according to  co-presenter Michael Neill, CSE, president of Michael Neill and Associates, Atlanta, CUES’ strategic provider for ServiStar. CAVE dwellers are “consistently against virtually everything.” 

Neill’s antidote? Missional leadership. Its focus on the purpose of the organization, rather than on outcomes, can engage the unengaged, he emphasized.

How can you implement this in your shop? Read Neill’s seven-part series, starting with “Missional Monday 1 of 7: Changing Employee Behavior to Support Your Mission.”

Lisa Hochgraf is a CUES senior editor. Karin Sand is CUES’ VP/supplier relations.

Learn more about ServiStar, consultative sales training offered by Neill and CUES.

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