
More Good Press for CUs


Posted by Christopher Stevenson

Over the past several months, there has been much talk of gloom and doom regarding the collapse of the sub-prime market. Then yesterday on Marketplace on public radio, I heard that the members of the National Association of Business Economics say that defaults on sub-prime loans are the greatest threat to our economy, even greater than terrorism. That's pretty grim. I needed some good news...a little cheer.

I got it this morning when a friend sent me this article from MarketWatch. The article paints a glowing picture of credit unions in a time of uncertainty and ever-tightening underwriting standards. It lays out the reasons credit unions are better able to serve borrowers than other lenders, including not selling their mortgages to investors and their traditionally conservative nature, and highlights credit unions' dedication to serving their members and finding the best fit for their financial needs. And, like Liz Pulliam Weston's article on MSN Money, MarketWatch includes tips for finding a CU and a link to CU Matchup to help consumers easily find a credit union.

The MarketWatch article is a great resource.  Pass it on.

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