
What Motivates Your Professional Development?


By Lisa Hochgraf

I'm an editor. So I get excited about grammar. And beautiful writing. And the way images and text can best work together to clearly present ideas.

So you can imagine my reaction last year when I learned that Edward Tufte, a world-class analyst of graphic information and its effective presentation, was presenting day-long seminars across the country. I was practically jumping up and down like a kid, asking my boss, "Can I go? Can I go?"

Fortunately CUES is a professional development organization that believes in professional development for its staffers, too, so I got to go. After more than a decade in the business, I wanted to learn how to do my job better. And sending me worked: I was charged up and inspired for months.

CUES SVP/Chief Information Officer Barb Kachelski recently shared what directors in attendance last week at DLI II in Barcelona, Spain, gave as their reasons for being there. Do any of them sound like reasons you need to consider signing up for some professional development sometime soon?

  • High-caliber participants and program.
  • Big changes are coming. I need to be prepared.
  • I'm here to be better at what I do.
  • I like the teaching method used.
  • If I don't stay educated, I won't be best able to help my CU.
  • I am learning to think critically again.
  • It's my turn to do some learning, so others in my organization can take a turn.

Lisa Hochgraf is marketing/operations editor for CUES' Credit Union Management magazine, edits the weekly CUES Tech Port e-newsletter, and cohosts the Nexus Connection blog.

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