
Words of Wisdom from Trey


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

In recent history, before life got completely nuts getting a magazine to press, I had the great pleasure to proofread Social Media: Blogs and Beyond, a new executive briefing written by CUES member and social media guru Trey Reeme.

While I was proofreading, I took the time to jot down some quotes from Trey's excellent text that I thought might merit discussion here on Nexus Connection.

Quote from Trey: "How can your credit union distribute valuable information to your members without being filtered out with the junk mail?"

Trey was, of course, referring to the idea that people tend to participate in social media because they want to. These days, getting people to open an e-mail can be tricky business. But if you connect with people using social media, you're connecting with them someplace they actually want to be.

Quote from Trey: While early adopters jumped on the social media train over the past few years, it's still very early in the game if you want to get involved.

I found this very heartening. Trey asserts in the briefing that credit unions' cooperative nature makes them a perfect match for participating in social media--which is also all about conversation among members of a community. So it's extra good news that if you're thinking about getting started, there's still time!

Quote from Trey: Blogging with his members could create an online sense of community rivaled only by a branch lobby.

Trey was writing about coaching a CU CEO on why he would want to get into blogging. And the comparison of social media to branch lobby gave me pause: an online connection can be as good as a personal connection!? But, I know from experience, it is true. When I went to dinner this spring at CUES Experience with people I'd never met save on blogs, it was like getting together with friends. (I wrote about this here.)

If you want to read the rest of Trey's awesome briefing, shoot me an e-mail and I'll send out an announcement when it's ready.

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