
It's Saturday night in the college dorm. Let's talk about angels on the head of a pin


By Robert H. Halleck

Remember those great Saturday night discussions where you solved all the problems of the world or speculated about what the future will bring? Let's revisit those thrilling days of yesteryear in this blog series. Here is the deal. With no rules, no idea too "anything," and most certainly no ax to grind, predict what the credit union industry will look like 10 years from now. Let's not dwell too long on any one topic.

I bought the pizza so I get to go first. Here's my prediction: In 10 years all credit unions with community charters and all credit unions offering business lending will be paying income tax at either the state or federal level and most likely at both.

Your turn! Go for it.

Robert H. Halleck, who retired in 2002 from a 35-year financial services career, remains vicariously involved in the industry through his wife, a credit union CEO.

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