
Questions You'd Like Me to Ask the 'CU Skeptic'


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

I'm in Indianapolis, settling in before FORUM Symposium opens tomorrow. One of the reasons I came to this event was I wanted to learn the true identity of the CU Skeptic, author of an up-until-now anonymous blog that bears the tagline "I'm not drinking the CU koolaid." My syposium agenda says that on Thursday afternoon, the CU Skeptic will go public, talk about why he thinks the CU difference is "unapparent" in today's market and what he thinks will be the keys to turning the tide of irrelevance. And, the agenda says, he "is prepared for an extended Q&A session."

I'd like to hear the CU Skeptic talk about whether his perspective on credit unions has chnaged at all with the economic crisis--and well-known media outlets, like CNN, saying credit unions are a good bet now more than ever.

And I'd like to clarify the CU Skeptic's position: Is he skeptical of credit unions and their philosophy broadly, or is he skeptical of their ability to effectively market their difference to the masses?

I'm going to be there live at the session on Thursday. If you'd like me to ask the CU Skeptic a question on your behalf, please comment below.

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