
Inspire the Editor With Your Great Work in Marketing


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

Editors get their story ideas from lots of different sources. For example, I got excited about the idea of credit unions educating members about "thrift" and "saving" from a presentation Matt Davis made at FORUM Symposium in early October. His talk inspired me to write this post, "Don't Tell Me You Can't Innovate." In addition, it prompted me to assign a writer to develop an entire story about what credit unions are doing to promote thrift for Credit Union Mangement magazine's February 2009 issue.

Another place I often look for inspiration is among winners of the CUES Golden Mirror Awards competition. Once the winners are announced, I take a look at the entries, and find a lot to celebrate--and write about. If you've done something really cool and effective this year, plan to enter your campaign in the contest. (Note: The earlybird deadline is Dec. 19.) Winners get trophies at a fabulous CUES Experience banquet (in Denver in April)--and possibly extra media coverage from yours truly. By the way, Matt Davis will be a featured speaker at the conference.

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