
Eat, Sleep, Swim (More on Simplifying 2009)


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

Early this morning, during my essential-for-good-sleep lap swim, I got to thinking about Michael Phelps, winner of a record eight gold medals in swimming in the 2008 Olympics. As I crawled along (literally), I wished I had feet like Phelps'--big, and practically webbed. And I wished I had his focus. One of my favorite stories that came out of Beijing was Michael's clear take on exactly what he was there to do: eat, sleep, swim. I can't imagine his days truly were that simple, but his mind was clear about his purpose.

If I could focus my mind on my day that tightly--eat, edit, parent (OK, sleep, too, I'm already going beyond three things)--would all the other details of life become clearer? Would I win more gold for my efforts?

If I were a credit union, what might the focusing mantra be? Maybe: serve, lend, teach? What three things would you suggest credit unions focus on in 2009?

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