
Marketing Through Sponsors or Major SEGs?


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

I spent a fair bit of time in the Newark and Cleveland airports this holiday. This airport time wasn't long enough to be miserable, but it was long enough to notice and take some notes about two bank marketing efforts.

What I noted is that banks are in the airports marketing through airline partners--companies I'm pretty sure credit unions also serve. This is not a dig at airline credit unions ... but rather a probe of what credit unions in general might be able to do more of in this new year in terms of leveraging the existing branding of their large sponsors or select employee groups.

These were the two things I observed:

  • In Newark, where I spent four hours or so, HSBC had bought a logo ad on the outside of what appeared to be every last Continental Airlines jetwway. Big and prominent.
  • In Cleveland, where I spent more than five hours, I saw this ad on my walk inside the jetway and also on posters inside the airport: "Checked bag fees? Bag 'em. Get your first checked bag fee waived with the Continental Airlines Chase credit or debit card. For more information visit"

What a great way to take advantage of what some other company spent on their brand to promote your own!What credit unions do you know of that are doing a great job with this? What are some other ways credit unions might be able to do this? Please comment.

Stop reading here to miss the shameless plug ...

Maybe I'll get lucky and see some additional examples of leveraging sponsor and SEG brands to credit union advantage when I peruse this year's entries in the Golden Mirror Awards contest. The final deadline for submissions is coming up Jan. 9.

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