
Fee for Withdrawals?


Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

At our last meeting for the Friends of the Mendon Public library (somehow I got myself elected president of the board), our treasurer let us know that the bank we use for our accounts had printed a small notice on our last statement that it would now be charging a fee for deposits and withdrawals.

"Effective Jan. 1, 2009, the following service fees will change: Currency deposited from $0.00 to $5,000 a month, no charge. Currency deposited in excess of $5,000 per month, $0.14 per $100. Currency supplied $0.14 per $100."

What? A fee to deposit the proceeds of the book sale? And a fee for withdrawals of the group's own money? Has anyone heard of such a thing?

A call to the bank branch manager makes us confident that because were are operating like a non profit organization rather than a for-profit company, the fee will be waived in our case. But still!?

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